I can help you write a clear, persuasive, and meaningful grant or contract proposal and support you to get it submitted on time.
I have been funded almost exclusively by grants and contracts for my entire career including funding from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Education, and private foundations such as the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Valhalla Foundation. I have also received evaluation and planning contracts from many organizations from Google to the Chicago Field Museum. I have been on a number of NSF review panels and most recently have been part of the Committee of Visitors who conducted the review of NSF’s Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings.
I can help you understand the different kinds of evaluation, how to create and execute an evaluation plan, and how to choose an external evaluator.
I have done many evaluations at the state, district, and program levels. I understand the range of evaluation types and can help you choose an approach that is best for you. Since I completed my dissertation on the topic, I have always been interested in the range of roles evaluators can play to help their clients.
Strategic Planning
I can help you clarify, describe and present your goals, design principles, strategies and timelines.
I have done this work with wide-ranging organizations from IEEE, the largest professional organization in the world to Commonwealth Edison.
I can help you with grant planning, solicitation writing, evaluation planning and consider ways to better understand the impacts of your funding programs.
I have reviewed countless solicitations for funding and responded to many myself. I can help you understand the proposer’s point of view including where they may be confused and the questions they might need answered. I can give you guidance on how to write solicitations so that you get the proposals you are looking for and where you might find new grantees.
Implementation and CBR
I can help you systematically describe your innovation so that you are better able to know which parts of it are most tied to desired outcomes and which are not.
I am a leader in implementation research in education and have developed two frameworks that assist in this work. These frameworks use a component-based approach to doing research.
Component-based research (CBR) is an approach to research that supports cross-field communication and accumulation of knowledge. To learn more about CBR, go to the Products page.
Content Expertise
I have deep experience leading work that has been focused on computer science, data science, mathematics, STEM schools and implementation and spread of innovations. If these areas are of interest to you, I can lend my expertise to help you develop your thinking.
I do work that is rigorous (uses methodologies that best fit the problem, applied (done in collaboration with practitioners and organization leaders) and committed (to solving complex problems of implementation and change).
We need to know more than “what works.”
We need to understand what parts of
an innovation work, for whom, under what conditions.