Selected PRODUCTS by topic



    A description of the critical need for shared conceptual frameworks to measure innovation implementation and factors that affect implementation.

    Book Chapter, Treatment Integrity: A Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice in Applied Psychology, 2014.

  • Framework for measuring implementation

    Guidance for implementation measurement and a call for clear communication.

    American Journal of Evaluation, 2010.

  • Measuring implementation of instructional materials

    Measuring implementation of the Everyday Mathematics program using program components.

    Book Chapter: Approaches to Studying the Enacted Mathematics Curriculum, 2102.

  • Measuring implementation, spread and sustainability of innovations: innovating for coordinated collaborative research

    Emerging ideas about collaborative research growing from a study on the factors that support and inhibit innovation endurance.

    AERA Paper, 2012.

  • The Vanishing Innovation: Why "Sustaining Change" must be as important as "scaling up"

    Factors that influence innovation endurance.

    Education Week, 2009.

  • Sustaining your reform: Five Lessons from Research

    Five lessons from research that focus on reform endurance.

    National Clearinghouse for Comprehensive School Reform Newsletter, 2002.

  • Measuring Enactment of Innovations and the Factors that Affect Implementaiton and Sustainability: Moving toward common language and shared conceptual understanding

    Research that focuses on the concern that researchers are unable to realize the potential value of their collective efforts.

    Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 2012.

  • Implementation Research: Finding Common Ground on What, How, Why, Where and Who

    Review of implementation research that looks back at history and forward toward possibilities.

    Review of Research in Education, 2016.

COMponent-based research

  • The Case for Component-Based Research In Education: A research Paradigm

    A description of the possibilities of component-based research (CBR).

    August, 2022.


    Emerging Ideas, Possibilities, and Next Steps.

    Report from a Working Meeting, November 15th - 17th, 2023.

  • Growing Knowledge about Using Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Universal Design for Learning in Computer Science education

    Description of using component-based research approaches to unpacking the complex constructs of universal design for learning and culturally responsive pedagogy.

    RESPECT Conference, 2023.

  • Accumulating Knowledge on Elementary Science Specialists: A Strategy for Building Conceptual Clarity and Sharing findings

    An component-based approach to accumulating knowledge about elementary science specialists.

    Science Educator, 2008.

  • Examining Equity in an Elementary School Computer Science Intervention Using Component-Based Research

    A study that illustrates how using CBR may demonstrate that interventions that may appear to benefit students overall, may be less beneficial or even detrimental to particular groups.

    International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 2021.

  • Interactive infographic of STEM School components

    STEM school components derived from two National Science Foundation studies.


  • Determining capacity within systemic reform

    “Capacity” is a frequently used in education but there is no clear definition of capacity and how to measure it. This paper addresses that question.

    AERA, 1999.

  • Why education reform is like baseball

    Reflections on the book, Moneyball and why education improvers should focus on getting to base rather than home runs.

    Education Week, 2007.

  • A framework for scaling Equity

    Approaches and tools for supporting education reform in service of equity.

    Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2022.

STEM Education and out-of-school

  • The 8 Essential Elements of Inclusive STEM High Schools

    Findings from a study of STEM Schools across the country.

    International Journal of STEM Education, 2016.

  • Engaging Youth in a Connected world

    Study of the landscape of digital media tools and technologies in Chicago’s Out-of-School organizations.

    Report for the Chicago Learning Exchange, 2018.

  • The power of teachers' perceptions

    Study findings that reveal associations between teachers’ perceptions of youths’ capabilities and their own willingness to participate in efforts to increase those capabilities.

    Kappan, 2023.

  • Inquiry-based science instruction — What is it and does it matter? Results from a research synthesis years 1984 to 2002

    A synthesis study on the impact of inquiry science instruction on student outcomes.

  • Conceptualizing Inquiry Science Instruction

    Technical Report from a study on the impact of inquiry science instruction on student outcomes.

  • implementing standards: Initiatives in mathematics and science within a large urban district: Principals' perspectives on supports and barriers

    Study findings on the essential supports for standards-based improvement and the barriers that stand in the way.

    AERA, 2021.